Personal Hack: Write Your Value

Write down your value in a white paper! And from that moment, you will work as if you deserve to have that value.

Money does not mean Value. However, for the economic sake, most of us are working for a living. And we could not live without money. Unless you are at the higher course, I assume Money (income) is Value.

The value I am saying here is your rate per hour. No matter what, where you are working, in the end you can calculate how much you get per hour.

In this post, I want to share

  1. How to calculate your current rate?
  2. Why do we have to write down our value?

To make the system work, both you and I must have some kind of faith.

If you do not, that is ok. You can enjoy the reading or simply stop reading 🙂

I believe it works. That’s why I wrote this page. And later I shared this tip with my team. Now I share it with you.

Calculate Your Rate

The formula is simple

Your Rate = (Total Income in a year)/ (Total working hours in a year)

If you have a habit of tracking your income, your working hours (usually freelancers have). You can easily come up with your rate. Or you have already known your rate (you get paid by your customers).

However, if your salary is monthly basic, and your working schedule follows 9-5 pattern, the formula is

Your Rate = (Salary * 12 + (bonuses))/(40*52)

And The Number?

The number depends totally on you. You make that call. If you still do not know, let take (Current Rate) * (1.5-2). The most important part is you have to write a number. At the end of the journey, what important is not the number, it is the process, the progress that the number triggered.

The Why

Because the number gives you a clear picture, a clear image of the person you want to become.

Because it gives you a clear goal. Think about people who make this wish every year: I wish to have a lot of money. Wow, what do you mean “a lot”?

Because it changes the way you look at yourself. Therefore change the way you look at the world.

Because it helps you ask better questions.

The How

You have to track your total income and working hours every month. An excel spreadsheet should be enough to track.

Whenever you go to work or do something, constantly repeat your value (whispering in your head).

For every problem, you have to solve, ask this question

What a guy with {your number} value will do?

That question will trigger a whole new process inside you. What process is it? I do not know. It depends on who you currently are. However, I know that it will bring you to a new level. The key here is repetition. Do not quit at the first time you ask the question.

I am a Software Developer. I will take an example in my field.

You are responsible for solving a bug.

Depending on the process of your organization, however, I would assume these are steps that should be done

  1. Reproduce the bug with unit test if possible
  2. Fix the issue
  3. Write unit test to verify your fix.
  4. Manual testing

I know there might be more to get a bug done.

Here are some facts I observed

  • A few will follow 4 steps
  • Some will do steps #2 and #4.
  • Some will do steps #2 and #3.
  • ….

Question is, who will you be? What will you do as you are now? Then you can practice asking the question.

What if you know what that guy will do, but you decide to drop some steps?

I hope your inner voice will speak: Hey! That is not what that guy will do.


As I said in the beginning, I applied this hack (tip). And I believe it will work. I do not know where it will bring me to. But I do know that I will become a better person in this progress. Since I started, it has given me a lot of courage (writing this post is a big courage). It has helped me shape the way I think when I deal with problems.

I rather give it a go than sit in a corner and do nothing. Right now I am thinking of the moment when I write another post to share the process and the result.

Where Is Your Virtual Library? I Asked in a Interview Session

In any interview sessions, I usually ask candidates about

  • Books they read
  • Famous authors, developers they know
  • Sites they visit most.
  • …..

I call them the virtual library. Some candidates were confused, surprised by my question. Guess what? Most of their answer were close to nothing. They did not have it. They could not name any books, authors, or developers.

“You said you love technologies. How did you learn new stuff?”, I asked. I got many of these

  • I learn from doing projects, doing real tasks in my company
  • When I need something, I google. (Luckily they still remember there is a website called google).
  • I read some code examples….

Why Did I Ask?

First, I know that books, blogs, sites, … are not the only ways to learn technologies, learn new skills. But they are essential.

The mind is a central factory. It controls every aspect of your life including your programming skill. Just like your body, the mind needs food. What is the food of the mind?

  1. Information
  2. Wisdom
  3. Concept
  4. Good thinking habits from others

There are more. But you get the idea. The mind needs food.

The mind needs food.

When I want to hire a developer, I need to know how he fed his mind.

When you come to Google and ask a question, you must know what to ask. And sometimes, you must know why you ask.


If one consist that they do not need to enrich their virtual library, ask yourselves these questions

  • How are you doing as a developer?
  • What is your improvement since last year, last 3 years?
  • Have you ever asked why a piece of code works the way it works?
  • Have you ever asked what and how to improve a piece of code?

To many developers, the unit test concept is not new. But how many people actually learn to make a proper unit test? a good unit test? If you are asked to improve your unit test skill, what do you do?

Have a Nice Day

A human being is unique. Our body and mind both need food. You feed them well. They work best for you.

If for some reasons, you have not read books before, you should give it a trial. Pick a technical book (because you are a programmer). Read it.

You cannot know what works for you unless you try it.

Good luck and be a great developers, my friends.

Become a Better Developer

Once upon a time, I asked myself and was asked this simple question

How to become a better developer? Becoming a better developer means will get better salary ($$$$)

Right Question?

Here is the fact. If you want to become a better developer, you have to keep learning new skills, master your old skills, … The list of what you should/could/will learn go on forever. Technologies change daily.

If you ask Google: Google, Google on the net ….

How To Become Better Developer
How To Become A Better Developer Google Answered

What if we forgot to ask the first right question?

Better Questions

Do you really want to become a better developer? What are you willing to pay to be a better developer?

Sounds like silly questions. Because many will quickly answer: Yes, of course.

Oh Really? Are you serious?

I do not expect to see a silent moment. But I am serious to ask you “are you serious?”

You got to be serious, man! You cannot get better if you are not serious. Technologies are tools. They are there to help you accomplish your dream, your intention. Therefore, please do not blame the technologies: Hey, they change so fast, I cannot keep up …. Those are excuses, not solutions.

Yes. I am Serious

If no, then the rest of the post is not important to you. Thank you for your time to read.

When you are serious, you should be able to repeat this sentence many times (as many times as possible)

I want to become a better developer. I am serious.

Repetition is the key. It reminds you your intention and you are serious.


One moves nowhere without commitments.

  1. I will not write crappy code
  2. I will not write crappy code
  3. I will not write crappy code

Whenever you write a single line of code, repeat your commitment. It is very simple.


Here are my favorite wisdom from Mr. Jim Rohn

It is easy to do. It is also easy not to do.

Success is a few simple disciplines practiced every day.

If you have not tried, give it a chance now. Just give a trial of a week. It costs you nothing, right? You do not have to tell anyone.

Do Not Trust Your Memory

Every day we come to work. We check out our schedule. We join our meetings. They are normal sequences, behaviors. We have done over and over again.

Meetings? There are many meetings during our work. Some of them are meaningful. While others are a waste of time. Some people hate meetings …

How many people remember what have been discussed in a meeting?

I have seen this pattern in my daily work

  1. People come to a meeting room. Some might even not know meeting’s topics. Sad but true.
  2. They sit on a chair, listen to the speaker.
  3. The meeting ends. They leave.

So far so good. A typical meeting. Except, many of them do not remember what being discussed, agreed in that meeting.


They had thought that they would remember.

Don’t Trust Your Memory

I, once, read from a book that statement. Don’t trust your memory. If you want to look in the “why”, then ask google.

Don't Trust Your Memory
Don’t Trust Your Memory

There are so many researches about it.

And here is my most favorite author, Mr. Jim Rohn.

Jim Rohn Quote
Jim Rohn Quote

Take Notes

There is an easy solution: Take notes. You can bring your paper/pencil or electronic devices to meetings; you take notes in ways you like most.

But there is an ugly truth. I still have not seen people taking notes in a meeting. They still come to meeting in bare hands. I kept asking myself, why do they not take notes? Maybe they do not see the values out of it.

Value. Yes, human works base on it. Let’s try to find values from my point of view.

A Tool to Remember and Review

Once we write things down, we increase the chance to remember them. That is an obvious fact. Think about the old days when you were in school. You wrote what teachers said. You took notes on your books.

Meetings might be boring. But with a notebook in our hands, we can review what we have noted down. We can jot down our new ideas, thoughts, or even drawing some fun images.

A Skill

Taking note is a crucial skill. However, it is not easy at all. People have to learn to master it.

Image we are in a meeting room, the speaker keeps talking, information flows, there are papers and a pencil in our hands, how will we start writing?


Not all meetings require taking notes. I do not mean that at all. We, as a professional, know what meetings are important. We, as a professional, must show our professionalism. We must try to put ourselves in the speaker’s shoes

We must try to put ourselves in the speaker’s shoes. One day, you are that speaker. You are the one who sends messages. And they just get lost. Feel that pain and show respect NOW.

How To Start?

Very simple folks!

  1. Buy a notebook (or some piece of paper) and a pencil.
  2. Bring them to every meeting you attend.
  3. Write something down. Do not care too much about what you write.
  4. If you do not know what to write, draw a circle, a face, a line. Just make sure it is different than before the meeting.

Soon you will know what to write. It is a skill. Skills are gained by practice.

Don’t you believe me? I was not born with the ability to write this post. I have been a terrible writer as well. Guess what? It does not matter. As far as I practice, I get better every day.


Developers How To Be More Valuable

Developers love challenges, technologies, cool stuff. They are very creative. I heard people ask

  1. How to become a better developer?
  2. What technologies should I learn?
  3. What languages should I learn?
  4. ….

The questions go on and on. But, Yes. Always there is a “but”.

Are they the right questions to ask?

Everything only makes sense in its own context. So the post: Developers who are hired by companies to develop business software.

Broken Light Story

Mary has a broken light in her house. She calls a John come to fix the light. John fixes the broken light quickly. The job is done. He gets paid. However, Mary is not really satisfied. Because, John, while fixing the light, dropped dust on the floor. Mary has to clean it up.

Oops, again, the another light is broke. However, this time, she decides to try to reach Steve. Steve comes and fixes the light. Before claiming the job done, Steve cleans up the floor, he also does some check up on the other lights in Mary’s house. It costs Mary the same price as using John’s service.

Can you guess who will get more clients? Of course, that is Steve. Steve is more valuable than John.

So, what is the difference?

The same task, different delivery quality.

Oh! A nice story! But I am a developer. What is in it for me?

Yes. My friends, we can apply the same philosophy to increase our value. Remember this?

You get paid for the value you bring to the marketplace.

Our value is determined by

The quality of our deliveries define our value, not the tasks.

Developers’ Clients

Have you ever thought of who are developer’s clients? What? Do they have clients?

Yes. Yes. And Yes. There are.

Whoever use their deliveries are their clients.


At daily basis, developers implement user stories, fix bugs. QA/Tester will verify their deliveries.

Code Reviewer

Given that a company has a code review process. Code reviewer is developer direct client.


Of course, they are your clients.

Other Developers

You are not alone in a project. Some other developers will use your code. They consume your API.

There might be more clients. You get the point.

A Better Question

What should I do to increase my value to my colleagues, my company?

Some might think of solving challenging tasks, implementing cool stuff. Yes. They are true. However, there are not so many challenging tasks in a company. Let’s take the “80/20” rule. There are 20% of challenging tasks.

You have to find ways to take advantages of 80% left to increase your value.

Increase Your Value

Here are some tips that can help you, developers, increase your value.

Comment Your Deliveries

These days we all use tools (Jira, Targetprocess, Trello, …) to manage projects. Your tasks are presented as Cards (User Story Card, Bug Card, Task Card). Each card has a powerful feature for communication: Comment.

You should take advantages of the comment feature.

User Story/Task

Usually, you should write

  1. Question: To communicate with the card owner or other developers in the team. There is another skill you need to learn here: How to write a good question?
  2. Technical Design: Write whatever you think they are valuable.
  3. Solution: So other can know what you have done to finish the job.


Usually, you should write

  1. Question: To clarify the bug.
  2. Done result: This is a crucial part. When you fix a bug, you should write in detail

How to write a “bug fixed” comment? There are at least 3 parts.

  1. Root Cause: What is the root cause of the bug.
  2. Solution: How you solve the problem. The more detail the better.
  3. Test result: Prove that you have tested your fix.

Think Before Code

I am serious. Here is what had happened to me many times.

  1. I got a bug to fix.
  2. I located the place that bug occurred.
  3. I added my code to the existing code.
  4. Compiled and tested just my scenario.
  5. QA claimed my bug passed. And congratulated me that there was a new bug. Guess what? Most of the time, it was me creating a regression bug.

The dangerous thing is fixing a small bug causes a critical bug.

Ask these questions before code

  1. How can I fix the bug without modifying existing code?
  2. If I have to modify, what are side effects? How many affected places I can think of?
  3. Do I understand the logic of the code I touch? At least at the method level, you should understand its logic.

Lesson Learned

You cannot grow if you cannot learn anything after each task. There is no silver bullet for learning. Each must find their own way. What you can do is to set your mindset.

After each task, you can ask yourself this question:

Hey! What do I learn from completing this task?

And you must be serious.


In conclusion, with the context of a company, being a software developer looking for ways to increase income (oh yeah cash, money), you should ask a better question.

As a software developer for 10+ years, I would like to offer you a new question

What should I do to increase my value to my colleagues, my company?

And 3 tips to increase your value

  1. Comment your deliveries
  2. Think before code
  3. Lesson learned

It is Lunar New Year. If you are looking for improvements, changes, those tips might be a good start.

Happy Lunar New Year! and Have Fun!