Xobni – a must-have for outlook

Yesterday, my colleague introduced my this tool: Xobni. It is a tool to manage your inbox. For each contact, when you click on an email sent to you, it will show detail of:

  1. All emails sent by that user; in term of summary. That way you can have an overview of email-conversation between you and the sender.
  2. How many attachments sent by that user; with a list of attachments. Now getting an attachment from that user is a piece of cake.
  3. You also can have an overview of his network; how many links; how many appointment you have so far with him/her.

For all its functionalities, please go to the website:Xobni. You can get a free version for the basic functionalities.

After installed, it takes a few minutes to index all your inbox; including all folder in your mail box. The indexing also tells you who is the most active contact with your; ranking you contact based on the number of mails you got from that contact. The indexing service is running all the background; therefore it does not block your outlook while indexing next time.

Check it out yourself if you are using outlook for everyday email-conversation.

Coolite premium support

With the coming out of Coolite v 1.0, download here , my company purchased 5 pro + premium support licenses, i decided to use its help for the first time. Really cool and fast! i posted question and immediately got reply.

I have been working with Coolite for nearly a year. Honestly, it is super cool component to build desktop-like web application. If you are tired of HTML  + JavaScript to build a website then it is there for your side.

Consideration before building a program

Having looked for Rhino Queues articles and examples, i stopped by this article:Building Distributed Apps with NHibernate and Rhino Service Bus. I read it before but i could not remember anything. I decided to read it again even though it is not much related to the topic i was looking for: Rhino Queues.

It is so good. Especially the way the author thinks before starting an application. He put so many thoughts, consideration. It is called Architect Design; at least i call it. You should read the article.

Then i came up with my coding life, my everyday code. How many times do i really think about those stuffs? And how many developers think about them?

Me? Zero 🙁 poorly admitted.

And now i know it 🙂

Is it funny?

Yesterday, i posted a note about: regular drinking rules on facebook. It is about things i should do to have a fun drinking party and also keep my life healthy.

In the morning, i have gotten many comments; especially many of them were not positive. I was quite a bit of shock since they thought that it was bullshit and the original reason i did that was of my girlfriend asked me to do. The truth is that i came from my idea and she had no idea about the note.

After a while, as i read in a book, there is a space between fact and reaction, i feel sorry for those who made those comments. Instead of replying them non-politely, i replied with polite comments and think about who they are and where they come from.

I realize that when you post something in facebook. If the content is about funny or bad luck or feeling sorry about yourself, then you get many positive, fun feedbacks from community. Else you get not nice ones.

Are they really thinking as what they wrote? or are they showing off a fake face?