VS – No template found

To activate the ability of Windows Workflow Foundation project supported i ran the script, as mentioned in previous post. However, it caused another problem. When i created a new project, VS said there was no templates found. The nice thing was that it came up with an instruction: look at the event viewer of the system.

Yeah, really nice VS, You need to run this line in Command Promp of VS:

devenv.exe /installvstemplates

Reopen the VS and continue your work.

WWF – Cannot load project type

I as a beginner of Windows Foundation stuffs: Workflow, Communication, Presentation, have first read book about Windows Workflow Foundation: Pro WF Windows Workflow in .NET 3.5, author Bruce Bukivics.

The book easily gets me stuck in reading, so interesting. I finished reading 2 chapters and felt the eager to start on something the book says. The only ways to get things remember while reading is doing something practical: start programming in this case.

Can you guess what did happen when i create an WF project?? My VS2008 said: the syste failed to load this project type. It nearly killed me at a shoot. My normal process will be, ask my friend Google. However thing was not that easy. I spent many hours to look for the solution. Not much luck at that time. However i am lucky today.

The solution is quite simple 🙂 :

  • Open command line for VS, VS -> VS Tools -> Command promp.
  • Run: devenv /setup

Bravo it works, the source of solution can be reached here

What’s next?

So far i have finished 2 courses i wish about PMM. They are so good i can say. Busy for 2 months, now i am free.

What should i do next? I feel i want to learn more, the question is what to learn next? Going deeper in technology or learn something different: creative, biz, psychology, …

What the HPM gave me so far? The methodology approach to a problem, how to look at a problem in a process eyes. However it is still something vague at this time.

What’s next i should focus on????

Time flies

Wow time flies. It has been about a month, which mean ending up my HPM class. I promised with myself to post anything i’ve learned from the class. However, things were not that easy :(. The course is so useful. Honestly i have learned thousands of new things, widen my view. But i do not have experience on Project Management, which prevents me from fully understand the course and how to apply it. That was also the reason why i did not post anything.

Today is the last day of the class. I have finished 2 courses so far, SPM and HPM for project manager. Trying to apply for the company is not an easy task but possible :). Let’s start with analyzing the current problems:

  • Find bugs root cause: Bugs are the normal thing, Every software has bug. However, focusing on its cause, you can improve many things in the current process, and of course, reduce the bugs count.
  • Analyze steps of the current development process: It works fine now, however, from the bug analyzing, it is one of the cause. It seems that there is a lack of input/output in each step.

That are 2 things i will start with. Oobs, i am talking about time flies not improving process 🙁

Looking back a month, when i was first attending the course, i cannot imagine how fast the time flies. Let me summary my typical day:

  • Got up at 6h15: Personal washup and did some physical exercise.
  • Went to work at about: 8h, sometime earlier.
  • Out of office at 5h30 then went to school at 6h30, for 2-4-6. On 3-5-7 i am at Badminton club
  • Out of school at 9h30.
  • Back to home at 9h45
  • Took a bath and relax a bit, looked at the clock, it said 11h
  • I had 1 hour left to do other stuffs before going to bed.
  • Sometime, after school i went out with friends having some drink.

Then in summary, i feel a week is just a day or less :(. Am i a busy or hard working man?? No not really, it is just a working day as others. I know there are many people having unsleep schedule. I just do a little thing. While in the class, the lecture said a lot about his education and job. I wonder, how many hours does he have in a day? How can they cover all of them?

Everyone does love weekend and me too 🙂 Usually go out with friend for coffee, billards,…